Monday, January 7, 2013

Problem-Solving at "Mondays with Myrtle"

This afternoon, on the "Mondays with Myrt "(, they had an interactive problem - solving session about a grave that was found by someone at the Iowa graveyard site. This is a glimpse of the actual gravestone where a father and three children perished in the span of twenty days in the year of 1879. Here is the actual stone at :

What happened to them ? What happened to the family left behind ? Myrtle and Russ Worthington asked the other listeners to work on the problem using online resources. Of course, the mystery require deeper sleuthing after the webinar to solve the problem but there were many helpful ideas. During this webinar, it rang a vibe of familiarity to me. I could not help but think about my find in an old Catholic cemetery looking for Müllers years ago when I stopped at the old stone written in German. My Dad was alive then and no one alive knew how they were related. Like the Iowa stone, it also mentioned a father and children dying but all on the same day which was such a horrible thought to a 14 years old genealogist!  I ended up getting the cemetery records to locate the church easily and then read the church records which solved my mystery. The cause of death in my family was cholera. I was further rewarded with an obituary for the mother who died in 1901 which mentioned that episode of sadness in her life.


The link to the original story is at :

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