I have to confess that I am more of a blog reader than a writer. Michelle of http://gulfcoastlagniappe.blogspot.com/ nominated the http://www.hungarianfamilyrecord.org/ and http://www.genealogyworks2.blogspot.com/ blogs for the "Wonderful Team Member Readership Award " on 4 Jan 2013.
Thank you, Michelle, as I surely do not blog as well as you. Nor have I been steadfast at it so your vote of confidence will hold me to share more in 2013. I am so impressed at the caliber of people out there who research and write so beautifully that I had difficulty in deciding which of the bloggers to nominate. And only 14 is a tough call!
So to narrow down my choices, I then decided to select blogs from the main tenet of Rule #4
#1 Don’t forget to thank the nominator and link back to their site as well.
#2 Display the award logo on your blog.
#3 Nominate no more than fourteen readers of your blog you appreciate and
leave a comment on their blogs to let them know about the award.
#4 Finish this sentence: “A great reader is…”
My definition of a great reader is: “A great reader is a colleague blogger who helps you or let you know that they learned something from your articles"
I can't nominate Michelle back again so my nominations for the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award are:
(1) Theresa -http://tangledtrees.blogspot.com/
(2) Susan Clark – http://nolichuckyroots.blogspot.com/
(3) Cassie Sanford – http://misfitgenealogy.blogspot.com/ and http://sanfordfamilymisfit.com/
(4) Kathy Reed – http://jonesfamilymatters.blogspot.com/ and http://ohioriverways.blogspot.com/
(5) Jacquie – http://afamilytapestry.blogspot.com/
(6) Grant Davis – http://thestephensherwoodletters.blogspot.com/
(7) Jim – http://www.hiddengenealogynuggets.com/genealogyblog/
(8) Nick - http://thehungaryexchange.blogspot.com/
(9) History Chick - http://genealogical-musings.blogspot.com/
(10) Lisa - http://100inamerica.blogspot.com/
(11) Doreen -http://graveyardrabbitofsanduskybay.blogspot.com/
(12) Donna - http://hangingwithdonna.blogspot.com/
(13) Marian - http://rootsandrambles.blogspot.com/
(14) Elizabeth - http://frommainetokentucky.blogspot.com/ and http://jewishgenealogyjourney.blogspot.com/p/about-me.htm
and a big thank you for Thomas MacEntee, who helps all geneabloggers, and also has his own family blog : http://destinationaustinfamily.blogspot.com/