Friday, March 1, 2013

Fearless Females Blog Post: March 1 - Favorite Female Ancestor

Note : Lisa Alzo from The Accidental Genealogist has a blogging prompt series dedicated to Women History in the month of March. I decided to use these prompts to train me to get back into the habit of blogging while researching a brick wall ancestor . More about Lisa's series here :

Annie Jones

 My 1st of March prompt for favorite female ancestor will be on my Grandmother's mother, Anna Loretta Jones. I dedicated this months' research to working on my Jones family so it will be all about Annie. The reasons why :

1) She was a fearless female ancestor who was brave enough to have 12 children. She died with her 13th pregnancy.

2) She has been my brick wall ever since my Grandmother died. Her death certificate, according to the records, is lost in a courthouse fire. Her place of birth in earlier records says "Ireland"; the latter records say ' USA".

3) I did not think to ask my Grandmother about her but my great-Aunt May thought the Jones were from Listowel.

4) Her death date is March 6th so every time I see that death date, I reinvigorate that search for her family roots in Ireland.

5) Megan Smolenyak has a great research story for the true identity of Ellis Island's Annie Moore It always inspire me look under some more stones for my Annie mystery.

6) I have a sister named Annie, after this Great-Grandmother, so I feel a need to complete this namesake ancestor for her !
    The link to Megan Smolenyak's story about her hunt for Annie Moore is here :


  1. I've enjoyed reading about your Great Grandmother--I also have a GG Jones and according to my mother, she was a terrific lady. I wish I knew more about her. I look forward to reading more of your posts and find genealogical blogs to be really interesting, and yours looks so well done. Your original blog looks interesting as well, but I haven't had a chance to look at it yet. Thanks!

  2. Dear Ann ~ We are lucky to have these JONES names . Gives us more to work harder to do their history !
